Letter to Mother


Dear Mother:–

I am on my way to Blighty just the first lap Bill Heron, Duncan, Dan Griffin and I have been sitting in a little steel hut with a candle and good wood fire,

I was on parade this a,m, at noon they told me to fall in at 2 P,M, for Blighty so ten of use are on the first lap,

Good night Mother dear   Laurie


5.30 P.M. In the same place as last night but at 7 we we starte to this station about seven miles I think eight months today I landed on French soil. And seventeen months ago I first steped on English soil, We had a good bath and change of every thing today,

This weather is just like the idealest may weather The grass is fine and green we get lots of moisture. te, he, We will try to get some good pictures the first go off but don't expect any tidy pressed clothes and etc. For I am just out of the trenches five days and the only thing I have new is Puttees, I was in a thirty day trip that time half in the front line half in supports parts.


London once more

Well it surely looks good to me, and the ride in on the good thru train was a pleasure, that I can't fully discribe.

My trip started first about seven miles in and out of a limber after dark, light order the limber carried the packs. then a wait of about two hours in a church army hut close to a station. when the train come I got into a coach that had a flat wheel or maby several. so you can guess how smooth a ride I had for about six hours but I slept a lot so the time went good,   Then breakfast and that consisted of one boiled egg porridge and bread butter, I slept some untill dinner time in a good bunkhouse, then mulligan cheese bread for dinner at two or there abouts we embarked and had a good voyage say it was great to get to Blighty again if one never done anything but enjoy him self around one of these clubs.

Well good night Mother dear your loving son Laurie