Letter to Mother


Dear Mother:–

It is just 11 A.M. I shaved and cleaned up this a.m. so that will do me for a few days again, we don't shave every day in the front line even the weather and conditions are good. but I have washed each day this trip,

I could stand a lot of this and never know that there was a war on, the bombardments have not bothered me any at all, nor the heavy short distance shells, I suppose in the next cupple of months, if the war don't finish we will be getting into some more excitement but may not, one never knows what may turn up at all. I don't think there has been a toutch of frost here since the 14th of Jan. so you can see how well we fare

Bye bye


Well Mother I am out of the front line again and tickled. It froze a little last night, but the moon shone so nice and today the sun is clear and warm, The shells are lighting around and I guess I have got as many or more startes this a.m. than all the time in the front line.

Our billets are very good we can't kick at all. I gave a lad my blanket before I went on leave but I got a chance to salvage as good a one yesterday so I am glad I did he had in some way lost his.

I salvaged a big looking glass three inches wider than sheat and as long just a chip off a big one that was feet big I will carry it until I get tired of it then I will give it to a French kid or some bomb proff soldier that has a job a way back where he never gets a chance to salvage. I have a dandy little one in my pocket to in fact I don't need any. I can shave as good with out one as with one Did I tell you some one stole my razor and stroop the first night in Blighty so I bot a new safety, I have always wanted one and now I have it an auto Stroop like I sent Horace.

Pete Campbell was in the same cellar with me the hours he was off his his front, I was behind him marching out. I bring up the rear so as to be able to take care of any that get hit with out missing them

Well bye bye Mother dear I got a letter from Horace this A.M. written the 18th he writes good letters I always like to get his letters I am surely glad that he has taken a holiday for is a great change and will him a change of thot for the summer

as ever

P.S. I always like to read my letters a few days after I have written them,
