Letter to Mother Somewhere in France

Some where in France 

Dear Mother:– 

We are just sitting around after dinner on a warm cloudy day with spurts of sunshine at times, It is weather you would expect to get rain from it but it don't seem to come.

Say Mother the funniest and most unexpected things happen, One girl I used to know well, writes to a boy in this batt'n and he comes right on the jump with the letters for me to read, I tell you she writes in different tones to him than she did to me and she would hate to ever find out that I had read her letters or saw her picture. now you don't mention this I can't tell any names but don't talk about it to Kate if any one is around for fear some one some time gets rubbed. Then she tells him that she has a boy friend in the army that she may marry, I happen to know him and know she needen't worry about ever marrying him because he has no notion, he is returning to Canada soon, done with the army life.

Well Mother it is 4.40 P.M. and I am at the Corps theatre going to take in the concert, we have to line up quite a while before the door opens because the last of the line up does not get in. I get tired sitting around the hut and I can't

If I had the chance at at a good comfortable home and good leterature I would not have time to think of coming here but now I am just going to see what they have on. I have only been to one movie in France and I never was inside a theatre while on leave but out here I am going to pass the time away tonight where it is comfy and a change, in a short while the grass will be green and the days warmer so I will be able to enjoy the lying around in the sun reading and writing.

I sent a registered letter today some pictures that I don't want to carry I have to many a clipping that I want you to keep just because I have seen it as it looks. some shin plasters because I have more money than I can spend now,

I received the box of turnovers today and we ate them but the truth is they don't stand the trip very well it is too bad for I would just like a chance at them the day you packed them. Well I can taste them as they should be any way so that is all right.


Well Mother:– I am roled up in bed comfy but will write some before I go to sleep my pictures came today and I think they look like me all right,

I gave one to Duncan to send to his wife. And am sending one to a girl in exchange for hers all so one to Deasons that leaves nine if you desire more just send to the address I sent, 8 and 6 per dozen,  It rained last night so I got my tunic damp coming home from the theatre at 8 oclock the show was very good I enjoyed very nearly all of it

Well good night Mother dear as ever our loving son Laurie


Well Mother:– I want to write you a few lines tonight if I can the talk is just going to starte at the Y. so I may get my light and attention cut off any minuite

We had a good march to day heavy order had dinner beside the road but we were headed the right way you can guess which way that is, and it being from rest billets to rest billets we dident care,


Well Mother I did not get far with my letter when scene changed and I had to pay attention to the pictures that came on and the talk the sergeant gave us on the life of Elija it was real good and interesting. We were at the ranges this a.m. it was not very agreable out there but the period soon passed, we had a good bath and change of clothing then a pay parade this P.M. so we feel fresh and good.

bye bye Mother dear as ever Laurie