Letter to Mother from Granville Com. Special Hospital, England
29 - 9 -18
B. Sec.
Granville Com.
Special Hosp
Buxton Darby
Dear Mother:–
I took in the Church service this A.M. in theater there is a pipe organ as well as piano the stage is just the modern size for any play the sermon was surely fine and the Chaplain was a fine built man very tall I suppose 6 ft 3 inch any way. Well Mother I must go to dinner I had an egg for breakfast.
Well Mother supper is over at 5 and then we just had our lunch at 7 bread and jam good cocoa.
Mother I am going to try to write Xmas letter to you about the 1st of Dec. with my right hand now see if I am able. My thumb is not hurt and my first finger should be so I can hold a pencil all right.
I surely get on fine every thing seemed change for the better when I got here. My looks so good now I will know by the end of week just what is going to be done with my fingers, I am up for examination in the A.M.
Well good night Mother dear as ever your loving son
P.S. I have lots of time to sit in the big chairs and think read and sleep if I like these days.
30 - 9 - 18
Dear Mother the Doctor took my hand off the splint to-day and said that it would never be good enough for me to go to France with but still could not say that I would be able to make Canada with it, he said they might use me for a light job in England we should worry anyway, time will tell all these things, the war may soon be over.
I used my right thumb for the first today to hold my bread still while I buttered it.
I went out for a good long walk tonight, the air was clear and sharp.
There is moving pictures on in the Theater down stairs tonight the first hour was fine but then I left.
I received on other big box from Miss Duncan tonight they surely cost her $15.00 each and that is the fourth one and a peach of a sweater
I have a bran new sweater now just got it with new outfit in London all [isane???] a new kitbag and all.
1-10 -18
I am enclosing Myrtle's letter don't mention to the Peels that I send her letters home, She surely writes me some good letters. I just answered it today but could only write two pages. I can not write with my left hand any kind of a letter.
Bye bye Mother dear as ever
2 different size small sheets, probably sent together