Letter to Mother from No 5 Canadian General Hospital, Liverpool, England

Ward M.J.
5 Canadian General Hospital
Kirkdale    Liverpool

Dear Mother:–

I did not put my name down for any of the entertainment that was offered for the boys in blue this A.M. so the consequence is I that I have an evening to spend around the Hosp. or else out in the city. Our lights are gass here and not strong enough for me to read with comfort so I can't read I am nicely interested in my book to,

I was one of eight boys who formed an escort party for a funeral of a young boy who passed away on Sunday with the Spanish Flu. he was this far on his way back to Canada after his service in France don't it seem strange what boys will come thru to die a simple life just like as tho they had never faced danger,

I did not receive any mail yet but there will soon be some I think.

I was away down in the city this P.M. just for a walk and tram ride, to look over the city, I do not like the suburbs of Liverpool at all they remind me of some very old village that continues on for miles in the same old menotinous way.

The horses are very buisy these days they starte out and drive on a trot to the church and place the civilian and soldiers coffins side by side and hold just the one funeral service for both, it seemed strang to me They took is in blue in an ambulance so we would not have to walk, it was about two miles to the church and cemetary.  


Dear Mother:–   I must get started to write with a pen soon so here goes.

I do beleave that this is the first time I have used my old pen since in France. so it feels funny to me and hard to run.

We are getting another sunny day every one helps to pass the time away better, I am going down to the main streets of the city this P.M. once more,

I want to get a few of the main points of interest of this city so people will beleave that I have spent these few days here which may become weeks before I leave here.

I had another inspection this A.M. the doctors have decided that it is a little previous for me to start getting masauges, but I have been giving my self them each day and I am sure that the progress I have made has been all right and a lot better than either doctors or nurses expected. I don't want there masauges when I get home all they need take trubble to do is give me my discharge, I will see that the hand gets work enough to get it suplecity back and muscles developed.

Well bye bye Mother dear as ever your loving son

P.S. Surely one of these days my mail will get thru. I suppose some sleepy clerk is holding it some place for future reference.
