Letter to Mother from Somewhere in France

Some where in France

Dear Mother:–

No parade today blew so I beat it for the Y to write letters. I wrote one to Joe Crebo a transport lad that got wounded, and one to the Chaplain of our old Batt. I liked him he was just my age and ment well but was working under difficulties that I can’t mention here.

This tent leaks lots of places but not to bad where I sit you will see the places by the sheet when you get it.

I wish I could write with a pen but can’t for we can’t get ink.

The farther I go the more I see that to be a preacher is far from being a soul winner as God entends all Christians to be not only the preacher There is a preacher just the fourth man from me in the hut, so I am finding more christian men each while in my travels,

Don’t there seem to be some thing strange where I can not even draw me tobacco for the other boys but a minister can draw his and smoke it to. I thank God today that I have the Christ life to turn to for an example enstead of the fleshly life in the world.

I just stoped to read over your last letters, I am glad that you folks have the car. I surely realize how much nearer it brings you to every one around and comes so handy in a good many ways,

I am enclosing a clipping of a paper you folks may not have seen, but of coarse we are not alowed to point out any thing as to location ony one that mark some one had scribbled on the paper before I got it.

Well bye bye Mother dear as ever Laurie