Letter to Kate London, England
Address mail to Army P.O. London Eng.
Nov. 12th 1916
Dear Kate,
I just got up from dinner at this Salvation Army restaurant Elmer is with me, we are going to wait and take in the service this P.M. and evening, it is only about half a mile from our Camps Elmers camp is about a mile west of my camp but there is a [notrinal???] camp between of other battalions. I know we should not spend the money for our meals out like this for look here we had two out yesterday and then there will be two today that is a dollar a piece and we could have lived nicely on one out yesterday and gone home for both of our meals today, but Elmer wanted to come for dinner and it an’t worth while saying any thing for we are only going to be together for such a little while, I used to spend money so bad and now I can see it and have stoped it, Out side of the trip to London and when I went to Godalming, I have only had two meals away from camp wince I came to England because I will live on army chuck and get fat on it so what is the use of throwing away the money, It is fine to sit down and eat a nice restaurant meal, but I have an idea that it is a sin to squander money for I don’t need abit more to eat than I get at camp.
It is hard to write tomany letters home at once and not say the same things over again. Yesterday we took in the museum at Hazelmere alittle town about two miles from camp. I saw a mummie that was taken from a tomb that dated back 300 years before Christ. it was wrapped in cloth that was of a yellow shade as you would see it now the only part that was uncovered to show the body was the toes they just look like they had dried up and turned petrefied the preparation that was used to preserve the body had turned it dark. The cofin was there two below the body. The remainder of the after noon was spent in stroling around, we got back after supper at about 7.30 went to the S.C.A. and heard the service that is held there every night then we took in the prayer meeting and bible study then home, this is the third letter for me today so I only owe one more to Ted and then I will be caught up for this week. but I should write Kathleen and I never think until I have run out of some thing to say, but way tell her that I enjoy her letter and that I often think of her and the boys and poor little Carl.
It is a foggy day but getting brighter every minuit so may be real nice after while, it is warm here anyway.
well good bye sister as ever your loving brother Laurie
Tell Mrs Myers the boys have not left yet.