Letter to Mother from Bramshot Camp

Bramshot Camp
Hants 18-11-16

Dear Mother:–  

I received a letter from you with one of Horaces enclosed which was a week behind I think. I enjoyed them greatly but they made me a little homesick not just homesick but a little lonesome and I would like to have a little chat with you folks at home for the evening.

I went out after dinner and down to the S. C. A. got some christian literature and took down to Stanly Deanson in one of the Huts about a mile from here after I had a talk with him, I went down to the S.C.A. that is about a half mile farther than the first one. I know all these speakers at the different huts now. I went into the prayer meeting room and sat down read a chapter of one of the Gospels then I read you letter over again, and I guess that the one man noticed that I was blue so he came over sat down and had a talk with me about every thing it made me fell better and then I came back up to the hut of ours I have a few minuets before I go to supper so thot I would write you a few lines.

Mitchel come back out of the hospital today George Guy says I am getting fat, and I know I an’t getting poor for I have an awful appetite an’t doing any thing but enough to keep me fit. we had an hours ply drill and an hours bayonet fighting this A.M. and then we came into our hut to read up M.G. notes and pull the gun to pieces once.

It is snowing today quite fast but I guess that there is an inch on the ground to start with.

I just looked out and it has quit snowing raining. I got mixed but I guess it will quit by the time we get in to supper, we should worry for we are comfortable, and the boys are in from the ranges, they walk out six miles in the A.M. and back at night. I am glad that I am done mg range work till I get to France. Wallie Hunter is in the officers mess now his heart is weak so he can’t go out for winter campain we will have to look out or we will all be quarantined with measles the hut next to use was quarantined yesterday A.M. part of signalers the rest of them are in this hut

All our Web equipage is in the Q.M.s stores ready to be issued as we go to the front or base to be correct. We had a route march yesterday from 9 till 12.30 a.m. a chilly day and it was great martching along between the big high trees, I suppose we went 5 miles out and back over the same route.

Well Mother this 8.45 A.M. sunday it rained hard most of the night and then it started to snow and is raining and snowing a mixture. Our little fire is going fine so we are happy a a bunch of kids. Our church parade is not on until 10.30 if it don’t stop snowing we will not have any parade but I wish we would for we have the meeting in the dining room and could just as well come off as not. if it don’t it is just an other opportunity to help some one lost, which should not be, we had the greatest bible study meeting last night and the first part of it was just me and the minister Stanley Payne is his name then another one came but he did not stay long then we were First we read the 1st Thessalonians 3-1-13 but we did not study it, we turned to Isaiah 53-4 – “Surely he hath borne our greifs and carried our sorrows” Now Payne placed so many of use in the same place as the slaves in the south for a long time after the War they dident realize that they were free from there bondage and do we realize our freedom, if God thru Jesus Christ hath born our greifs, and carried our sorrow Mother you should give me over to Gods keeping entirely. Until after this war and not let the divel cause you to have worries and greif and sorrow, and go to Jesus for your comfort in your lonesome hours of heart ach. I have them to and he is my only comfort. I have to go to him when I can’t see and talk with you. I can not remember back very well as far as fathers death but as near as I can remember it was years after before I ever saw you cry, and I always or often thot and wondered how you bore your sorrow and grief but now I have some idea, and that is where I want you to place your faith at this time. for we shouldn’t worry life is short enough any way and I am afraid that worry will pull down one quicker than any thing else.

Well Mother I will have to stop for this time Fred Barns just brot in the boxing gloves we haven’t had any around for a good month, I haven’t boxed since I left for Mytchet. It sunday so I won’t box today. It is about eleven now church service was in the mess room it is still snowing or was a few minuets ago when I cam in

Well as ever your dearest boy