Letter to Mother from No 5 Canadian General Hospital, Liverpool, England

M.J. Ward No 5. Canadian general
Hosp. Kirkdale

Dear Mother:–

This is a clear cold A.M. but not so cold as out home I guess.

I spent yesterday P.M. at a picture show got up for the canadian soldiers, on what the canadian govt. is doing for the envelade soldier in canada. it was good to see the views of old Canada from Halifax west to the coast and Victoria, Then in the evening I took a miss Hughes to the theatre the play was quite good I may send the program she is the only girl I have taken to a Thearte[sic] since I left canada.

This A.M. I went down to the clothing store and got a change of underwear but luck was against me I got a poor suit, we have no choice we have to take what ever they give us. Some get good and some not so good I think I am always as lucky as the average so I never kick, we have no word of sailing yet. I do not seem to have much to write about I got a new book yesterday and was down to call on one of the boys who had to go back to bed for a few days he caught cold and his wound was bothering him,


Well Mother it is a partially clear AM and warmer, but I have caught a cold in my head which is far from a desirable thing to have, not from a serious point of view but pleasant point,

we had boiled eggs for breakfast one a piece and that was all I would care for because they have been pocked to long and you can just taste some thing about them that you don't care for,

I received a letter from you yesterday that was written Sept. 29th but it had traveled all over Eng. a cupple of times, they all seem to think I should be at the convalescent camp at Epsom so my mail all goes there. before I get it,

I may get home for Xmas yet if I get away on the sailing next week I will I come home at once for two weeks then I report back to Regina for about six weeks masage treatment then my ten dollar suit and the farm for me I could get on fine with out any treatment but will take all the treatment they will give me for I want as good a hand as I can get out of this deal.

Bye bye Mother dear as ever your loving son