Letter to Mother from Somewhere in France

S. W.  in F.
8.30 P.M.

Dear Mother:–

I am sitting dry and cosey in my bunk. I havent a top bunk on mine but the floor bunk of boards. the center bunk is board to I told you of my top bunk before the wire one.

I went down town tonight spent quite a bit of money $1.02 on eats and am plenty full yet. The pears your favorite fruit are ripe and fine about 5¢ each, but nice big ones. The boy that sleeps next me and I bot a five lb pail of strawberry jam $1.00 so will eat jam a few meals. Some Ladies Aid sent use some candy enough to give a little to every man in batt. I got 10 pieces. good dope.

I don’t know what to write about tonight. The paper news are good these days we hope for the best any way.

There is not much of interest to write about and I can’t get started but last night at Y I just felt like writing when I could not take the time.

I have been thinking about the school days and I remember that we as children were to some degree kind of run on, any way I always felt shy to push my self into a bunch as other boys always would do. I felt the same right up untill I was put on draft last Dec. and the boys said things then that convinced me that if I was taken out of the draft they would miss me as much as any of the boys. So I feel one of the boys in every thing. there is nothing that is shut up when I approach but the dirty talk and they don’t hate to have me enter there company or they would freeze me out with dirty talk I will never feel like I used to again

I just got a letter from you so will read it. there is an awfull noise here some of the boys have a [skote???] on  

bye bye Mother dear as ever Laurie.