Letter to Mother from Somewhere in France

Some where France

To Mrs Alice D. Cunningham

Dear Mother:–  

Our warm weather seems to have started today for it is hot, but the sky is still filled with lazy clouds,

I have my tunic off and my sleeves roled up am sitting on some dugout timbers in the front line. about 3 P.M. I have my stretcher in a place dug in to the side where I can ly in the sun during the day, at night I will go into the funk hole tho. it is more shrapnel proof. A boy that is feeling tough is lying on the stretcher now he came up out of the dug out to be in the warm sun.       Our chaplain came along this A.M. and chatted to a bunch of use for quite a while. Of coarse we talked 90 % war possibilities and probabilities. I have cooked more meals in the trench this trip than I have any time yet. I think I will keep it up now that I have started, I don't know why I dident long ago because it is nice to eat hot meals.

Seven more days till your birthday I wish I had a present to send you, but I am far from where I can get one if I had a car load of money at my disposal maby next year I will be where I can send you a good present. I sent a card today and will wait for a few days before I send this out, then I will put it in a green envelope so the base cencor will take care of the cencoring of it.


Well Mother, I am sitting in the trench a dandy evening, but it has clouded up warm like it might rain,

I have been lying around in the sun all day, I got up about 5 and carried on foot inspection, gave the boys there socks and had breakfast cooked at 7.30. I have had three hot meals today and tea once and cocoa once. Bob Mc brot me around a dish of cherries at noon he carried in a glass sealer and ate a little more than half of them and gave me the rest. I surely enjoyed them we will be back where we can go to the Y soon and I have about $5.00 so we will get lots of fruit again.

4th       Everything O.K. Mother,

as ever Laurie

P.S. Got 7 letters

[1 4.25" x 6.5" page with dried plants attached]
A few specimen of my comerades.  Laurie