Letter to Mother from Somewhere in France

Some where France

Dear Mother:–  

I would be glad if I could only write in this letter a few words that would make you grasp to some small extent the rejoicing there realy is in my heart. To think that I have been spared and live untill May, and have been led to this beautiful spot on a hill about 200 ft high over looking an old French village of some 15 or maby forty family homes nothing much in the way of business places.

In the center there stands the old church that you might think at first glance was in a state of ruin, but services are still held there it is encircled on both sides and front by the cemetary, a nice creek about six feet wide ripple by on one side, on the spire there is the cock and below some thing else that I cant describe but looks like this from the front [tiny drawing] I spoiled this I should have started at the trimming first my church is to small but I will remember to discribe if I ever get back by what I have here. Each home have there garden plot, pasture for a few cows, raise some chickens, pigons and pigs. They have a few fruit trees a hedge and other tall trees and etc. The blosoms on the fruit trees do put the finish on the scene after being among the old battle fields where there is mud and chalk and ruins ever day for weeks, the birds are about the only thing the shell fire can't chase, the lark never quits singing each day no matter what is on. but here I see tiny little birds that I have not seen before, the sparrows mix with the chickens and seem tame.

We had a pay to day but I did not draw mine, I had more than my last pay in my pocket so I did not want it,

I had a long talk with Clifford McDowell yesterday a 128th boy that was wounded in the same fight the Leeper went down, just at day break he was coming in off no mans land from an out post, when a shell blew him and an other lad into the trench before they could get down off the parapet. before they could pick them selves up an other one came and wounded them both, Well before I go on with my story I want to tell you some thing about Cliff. before he was 20 yrs old. I have seen him in trubble and I always admired his quick and deliberate decissions, which always made me feel and realize his strong personality. The kind that we need among leaders of men, Well this day he jumped up and grabbed his wounded mate, took him down a dug out a few paces away came up and saw that he was wounded him self, and so badly that he could not help him self onto the S.B'ers back. nothing but his manlyness made him carry out his first impulse to help the boy in need. Well he just joined us again he has been in Blighty ever since his brother was wounded in Oct. and will join as soon.

Well Mother I stopped here studied my little testament for an hour or so, it soon will be cool, so I till go back to my billet in a big hay barn good bunks, I have lots of candles so I will be enjoying my stay if it is 24 hours or two or three weeks it matters not to me, I am out to do my duty, to give my services in the way of life if need be, to be with the boys among the hardships, the state of the present world at present, has plunged us in to, just to be able to ever bring before the boys the power of God to remake a man and cloth him with that different sperit, to the looking out for number one. Now this spirit does not domineer with in me one 10th part of what I pray it will thru growth with in my christian life. More than any thing I want to be a strong christian. I want my every action to prove that the underlying motive is for the up lift of my fellowman and the betterment of my country or the world.

The sun has set behind a cloud in the dear old west My heart longs so often for you and all the rest, and the prairy and ponies, a home and all that goes with it.

But I am happy content and thankfull for the untold thousands of things may God bless and keep you all for christ sake

Bye bye Mother dear as ever your loving son Laurie

8th   6.20 P.M.

Well Mother I am in the same place tonight a dandy night.

We got up at about 6 this A.M. I took in a lecture at the M.O. office this A.M. This P.M. we had a short route march just light order.

So we enjoyed the scenery then I went to the creek and had a half hearted bath the water was to cold to relish. supper and then I come up here read for a while and had a short sleep in the sun now I feel bright and will write a few letters

as ever your loving boy

[Upside down at bottom margin]
9th    Everything O.K.