Letter to Kate

Witley - 5-19-17

Dear Kate:–

Just a word I am up on draft and the hours will not be many untill we get away so here is luck to you and Otto and the little folks. If you don’t here from me often over there I know that you folks and Clive can read my letters remember I think of you all often and pray for you all each day. I am heavier than I ever was in my life and in far better shape to stand what ever is a head than I ever was before in life.

I have had a good time in England and no matter how long I live I will never for get a lot of the people I have met here and the Christian men and wemen that are working for the soldiers. I have met some fine Christian soldiers at the S.C.A. We meet

This is Sunday P.M. sister we do not know just when we will pull to cross the channel but soon we are ready to leave in an hours notice, and are all feeling ready we except tjhe change of life more than four of the transport boys would stay behind when they asked use to say if we would stay or go we had a chance to remain in England as a transport sec but only four of the boys wanted to stay the rest use volunteered to go over to the 46th Batt. I bot a fountain pen for a shilling yesterday I am leaving my good pen behind, there is to much water in this ink to write good.

Bye, Bye, as ever your loving brother

Give my love to Otto and the little ones.